Good EDI Support

EDI technology has many layers. Some have even called it a monstrosity of technical complexity. Good EDI Support takes care of the complicated technical layers so that users get the assistance they need, when they need it.

Good EDI support:

Provides complete answers to questions in terminology users can understand. “One and done” answers should be the norm.

Has online help for common questions and trading partner specific requirements. It also has training videos that are available whenever needed.

Includes a support organization that has transparent systems so that anyone in the support group knows the latest on a given client’s status and needs. It eliminates the need to wait on one person in the group to answer a client’s questions.

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Faster Advance Ship Notices

Posted on September 30, 2014 by Steve Brewer

Last week’s blog entry reviewed why your customers require you send them Advance Ship Notices (ASN’s). This week we will look at how to make the production of ASN’s faster for your company.

We have two services to speed up ASN’s, MyB2B and B2BWorks.


MyB2B is a web-based EDI service that handles all of your customer’s EDI transaction types including ASN’s. EDI software and everything needed for a complete solution is accessed from the cloud. The web forms for ASN’s have been designed for ease of use and for speeding up the ASN process. Features include:

ASN’s are designed specifically for ease of use with every customer’s individual requirements. Over 1,600 trading partner customers of our clients have been implemented.

Data entry time is reduced by data from purchase orders being automatically filled in for you on the ASN. Fields that are not on purchase orders but which are always the same can be set up to be auto-filled.


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